The Last Day

Today marks the last day of my Industrial Placement at Oracle. I’ve had a really great year and everyone really made me feel very welcome, I’ll miss just about everyone there. It’s been a real pleasure working for Oracle, and I highly recommend going for a placement over there if you’re looking around. Maybe one of these I’ll end up back over there, we’ll see.

I thought at the start of the week I’d get through all this without feeling too emotional and all that, but just as I was leaving work yesterday I have to admit my eyes started to water a bit… I got through today fine though, despite the tears from the others around. It hardly feels like 12 months have gone by to be quite honest.

On another note, the server had a bit of trouble that started at around 21:50 BST, and was noticed about 5 minutes later. It was rebooted and everything came back up at about 22:10 BST. I managed to login and check a few things just before it seemed to lockup solid, and several (mostly PostgreSQL) process were in the D state (uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)). Unfortunately the log files didn’t have any information at all. Ah well, all seems well again now.

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