Happy New Year

Happy new year folks! Welcome to 2007.

We’re off to Bristol later today (in the morning) for a bit of shopping in the sales, and I’m coming back in the evening so I can get to work tomorrow… Should’ve booked the day off ages ago, nevermind!

Jess, Alex and I have got back into playing Diablo II since Christmas. Jess has now given up mostly, but Alex and I beat the game once already and now we’re on Battle.net rising up in the ranks. Yay for games from a few years ago!

I’ll hopefully be back to post soon, you never know!

Some News — At last!

Cor, it’s been such a long time since I last posted that I’m getting out of practice! The truth is that I never seem to do very much that warrants writing about these days! I could have written about the Delete function actually deleting things, or about how my SATA controller card doesn’t work if I have the floppy drive enabled in my BIOS, or how much nicer Arcadia runs in general since I got a new CPU and motherboard, but I can’t help but think that it would be mind-numbingly boring to most people.

Well, I suppose the other day we did go to see the new James Bond, which I must admit I quite enjoyed… I thought it was really quite different to any previous Bonds, going in quite a different direction even, although Daniel Craig makes a good Bond. I also thought it was much more believable than other Bond stories: winning millions in a game of poker is so much more plausible than firing a big gun on a satellite or villains with awfully scarred faces, although I’m not so sure about the miniature bug that can trace Bond as well as determine what kind of poison he might have ingested.

In other news the driving is going reasonably well. I have no idea when I’ll actually have my license of anything like that, but having passed the theory test is quite a good feeling. I’ve been doing all the usual manouvers like ‘reverse around the corner’ and ‘bay park’ and ‘parallel park’ and so on and, I think, getting reasonably comfortable with them. So let’s hope it won’t be too long before I put in for a test!

More ID Card Woes

To add yet more fuel to the ID card debate, one need not look any further than the events of the last few days. It appears that staff at the Identity and Passport Service are ‘hacking’ into the database that may become the foundation of the National ID Card database. OK, so 5 breaches isn’t as much as the 790 that our Australian counterparts have suffered, but 5 is still 5 too many. If any old crooked government employee can gain access to a database of condensed personal information about anybody in the country, who knows what might happen.

Say no to the ID card!

Exeter and Birthdays

As Jess wrote on her blog, we went to Exeter last week. We got lots of nice stuff for ourselves including soap from Lush, tea and chocolate coffee beans from Whittard’s, among other things. On our way back, it was like a visit back to West Yorkshire, as we boarded a Transpennine Express train from Exeter to Barnstaple. There’s no explanation for this other than it must have been sold on to the train company down here after having been replaced up in West Yorks. How strange.

And as it’s this time of year, my birthday is coming up on the 8th. I’ve got the day off work for a bit of a break and am looking forward to it! As usual my ever-boring wishlist is published on this blog, not that it makes any difference in helping people make up their minds!

“What the Terrorists Want”

“Imagine for a moment that the British government arrested the 23 suspects without fanfare. Imagine that the TSA and its European counterparts didn’t engage in pointless airline-security measures like banning liquids. And imagine that the press didn’t write about it endlessly, and that the politicians didn’t use the event to remind us all how scared we should be. If we’d reacted that way, then the terrorists would have truly failed.

“It’s time we calm down and fight terror with antiterror. This does not mean that we simply roll over and accept terrorism. There are things our government can and should do to fight terrorism, most of them involving intelligence and investigation — and not focusing on specific plots.

“But our job is to remain steadfast in the face of terror, to refuse to be terrorized. Our job is to not panic every time two Muslims stand together checking their watches. There are approximately 1 billion Muslims in the world, a large percentage of them not Arab, and about 320 million Arabs in the Middle East, the overwhelming majority of them not terrorists. Our job is to think critically and rationally, and to ignore the cacophony of other interests trying to use terrorism to advance political careers or increase a television show’s viewership.”

I think Bruce Schneier really hits the nail on the head here… Link by BoingBoing.

Let’s raise the white flag

The terrorists have won. Well, they won ages ago but nobody seemed to notice…

One of the may definitions of terrorist is: “a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities”. Notice it doesn’t mention killing at all, just using terror as a weapon. Also notice that nothing actually happened this morning, nor is it likely to happen, other than the government getting terrified by, well, terrorists. Today’s incidents caused some weird sort of reaction whereby everything except travel documents and medication must be checked into hold luggage when travelling by air.

This whole episode makes me think that the said terrorists whose ‘plot’ was ‘thwarted’ this morning were indeed much cleverer than anybody gives them credit for: they simply planned their so-called plot and must have been pretty open about it in order that the government find out about it. Then at the right time the powers that be got scared and did exactly what the terrorists wanted all along: reacted in such a way as to piss off a huge amount of people, get the terrorists lots of press, and basically ‘scare’ those people who can’t figure out what’s going on (and clearly, lots of such people are working in our governments).

So I’m going to sit back and applaud these ‘terrorists’, not because I agree with what they do (I think it’s deplorable) but simply because they seem to be the only people able to keep the whole world under their control. That’s certainly more than what can be said about our government these days, especially considering Tony Bliar’s (ok ok Blair) arse-licking (to borrow a phrase from Big Brother) to the current World Dictator and his minions in the Free Country that is the USA.

Support the Open Rights Group

Support the Open Rights Group

OK, first things first. Last year I pledged that I would help fund the creation of the Open Rights Group if 1000 other people did. Over 1000 people eventually signed the pledge and the ORG was founded, but almost half of the people who originally pledged didn’t pay up! Not fair I say!

The Open Rights Group is a bit like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in the USA. They have some pretty noble goals:

  • To raise awareness in the media of digital rights abuses
  • To provide a media clearinghouse, connecting journalists with experts and activists
  • To preserve and extend traditional civil liberties in the digital world
  • To collaborate with other digital rights and related organisations
  • To nurture a community of campaigning volunteers, from grassroots activists to technical and legal experts

Recent successes for ORG include:

  • Submitting written and oral evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group public inquiry into DRM, much of which made it into the final report
  • Submitting written evidence to the Gowers Review of Intellectual Property
  • Raising awareness of the problems with DRM in the media, with several articles picking up on ORG’s position

So if you care about your digital rights, join the ORG and get the privileged status of ‘Founding 1000’ member, like me! 🙂